The Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission has developed a process to ensure that public art projects — such as murals, sculptures, and installations — are developed with input from stakeholders, and are carried out with quality and responsibility.
We welcome projects that embrace inclusion and respect the City of Bethlehem’s past, present, and future.
Any artwork located within any of the City’s Historic Districts must adhere to City requirements and be approved by the respective District before receiving final approval to complete the project from the Fine Arts Commission. Buildings that have painted brick, stucco, or a masonry overlay on the original brick may be exempt from the Historic Review once the nature of the overlay is reviewed by the Public Art Committee.
The following Public Art Review Application Form addresses the scope of the work and identifies the person/entity responsible. It is to be completed and submitted to the Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission as soon as the Public Art Project is proposed and a reasonable time prior to the beginning of the project,
The checklist below should be completed for all artwork coming to the City of Bethlehem, PA including, but not limited to, donations, bequests, purchases, and commissions.
Public Art Committee
Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission
P.O. Box 1851
Bethlehem, PA
Email requests to info@bfac-lv.org

Explore SouthSide Bethlehem's Urban Arts Trail
The Urban Arts Trail is a 2.75 mile experience that sprawls across Bethlehem's SouthSide Downtown business district. The trail consists of a dynamic collection of art, including murals, sculptures, mosaics, and functional art structures such as quirky bike racks, painted planters, and even a community piano.
The Urban Arts Trail self-guided tour can be completed in about two hours and provides an insightful and educational experience to visitors and community members of all ages and backgrounds.
Follow this link to learn more about the Urban Arts Trail.