For additional information about any of the opportunities below, please send an email stating your area of interest and a Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission member will be in touch with you soon.
Interested in becoming a member?
The BFAC is a voluntary group of 20-25 members who are nominated, approved, and appointed by the Mayor and City Council for 3-year terms to help support the activities and projects of the Commission. Contact us if you are interested in being considered for membership.
Interested in participating in a Rotunda Gallery Exhibit?
The Rotunda exhibitions are booked two years in advance and include both group and solo shows. Contact us if you are an artist who would like to be considered for a future exhibition.
Interested in a space at the Fine Arts and Craft Show on Mother’s Day weekend?
This juried art show has been held on Saturday and Sunday of Mother’s Day weekend for 58 years, with local and regional artists participating. Contact us if you are interested in application details.
Interested in volunteering at an event?
Outdoor events such as our Mother’s Day Fine Art and Craft Show, or Sculpture Garden Concerts welcome extra hands to help set up, tear down, and be on hand to pass out and share information. Contact us if you are interested in enjoying the festivities while lending a helping hand.
Interested in gardening?
The ornamental beds in the Sculpture Garden are tended solely by volunteers who congregate a few times a season to prep the gardens and keep them looking lovely throughout the summer. No special skills are required other than enthusiasm!