About the BFAC Grant Program
The Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission invites area non-profit organizations and K-12 schools to submit proposals for annual arts grants. The grants are to support projects (or arts-related activities) that will take place between June 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025. The grants are offered to encourage new works of art, educational programs, exhibits, presentations, performances, and other arts-related activities. This grant program supports the mission of the Fine Arts Commission (bfac-lv.org).
A total of $3,000 is available for awards this year. Although the total could be awarded to one applicant, in recent years it has been divided among several applicants. An awardee may be granted all or part of the money for which it applies.
II. Due Date
The grant applications deadline has been extended to May 24, 2024.
1. Projects that are to take place primarily in Bethlehem.
2. Registered 501(c)(3) or non-profit organizations and K-12 schools.
3. Organizations and schools that are arts-related or that propose a project that is arts-related in fulfillment of its mission.
4. One proposal from an organization or school per funding cycle.
5. Proposals to fund new works of art, educational programs, exhibits, presentations, performances, and other arts-related activities. [Proposals to fund capital campaigns, cover annual operating expenses, pay for the purchase of buildings, or reduce the organization’s acquired debt are not eligible.]
6. Proposals for a portion of or for all of the stated available funds.
7. Recipients of previous Fine Arts Commission grants are eligible to apply only if they submitted their required Final Report.
- Name, address, phone number and email address of the organization or school, and their primary locality of activity.
- The primary contact person of the organization or school. Schools must include the name of their principal with their contact information.
- The organization or school’s mission statement.
- Documentation of the organization’s 501(c)(3) or non-profit status (except schools).
- Beneficiaries of the proposed project.
- The purpose and objectives of the project and how they relate to the organization or school’s mission.
- What the project consists of and how it will be carried out, including timelines.
- How the organization or school will acknowledge the Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission’s support in programs, posters, press releases, and other forms of publicity.
- A budget for the project, including other sources of revenue if applicable.
- A link to the organization or school’s website and/or other social media platforms.
The Grants Committee will review all proposals that are submitted by the due date and make formal recommendations for awards to the Fine Arts Commission at its regular meeting in June. The Grants Committee will use the following criteria:
1. Does the organization or school meet the Eligibility Criteria?
2. How well does the proposed project support the organization or school’s mission?
3. How clearly and completely are the Required Proposal Contents described?
4. How does the requested funding support the projected costs?
5. In the case of a judging tie, organizations and schools that have never won or won less often will be favored.
Applicants will be notified of the BFAC’s decisions by mid-June, and grant monies will be provided to the awardees by the end of June. Awards to successful applicants will be publicly recognized.
VII. FINAL REPORT (form coming soon)
The recipient of an arts grant agrees to submit a final report within 90 days of project completion that includes:
1. A brief narrative on the process and outcomes of the project, including how the Commission’s sponsorship was publicly acknowledged.
2. A brief financial report stating the full costs of the project.
3. An account of how the Commission’s funds were used.
PLEASE NOTE: The awardee must return the grant funds to the BFAC if it cancels or otherwise does not execute the funded project.
Submit final reports to:
BFAC Grants Committee
Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission,
P.O. Box 1851, Bethlehem, PA, 18016
QUESTIONS? Please direct any Grant Program questions to info@bfac-lv.org