About Us

What we do
The Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission is a group of volunteers appointed by The Mayor of Bethlehem and Bethlehem City Council who advise the City of Bethlehem in matters concerning fine arts, including maintaining and furthering fine arts [the arts] in Bethlehem; and encouraging a cooperative cultural enterprise in the community. The Commission offers a broad selection of exhibitions, educational programs, public festivals, and events, all with community involvement at the forefront.
Join us for an upcoming exhibition
Where: Enter the gallery through the Bethlehem City Hall lobby
When: Gallery hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closed weekends and holidays.
How much: Admission is free
The BFAC offers many artistic events including ...
Rotunda Gallery Exhibitions
We sponsor solo artists and group shows at the Bethlehem Town Hall Rotunda Gallery, 10 E. Church Street, Bethlehem throughout the year. Shows remain in the Rotunda for approximately 6 weeks, giving the public many opportunities to get a taste of the city’s visual culture at their leisure. An artist reception is held on a Sunday afternoon at the beginning of each exhibition, to which the public is invited, giving the community an opportunity to meet the artist, socialize, browse, and maybe even purchase a special piece of art.
The BFAC is now featuring temporary exhibitions throughout the year that highlight the City’s major art collection. Selected artwork from the collection is curated and maintained by the Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission with the support of the Mayor. Works from regional, national, and international artists vary in media, style, and subject matter. The artwork on display will be changed on a quarterly basis to share the City’s artistic treasures with the community and its visitors, and to highlight the importance of art as an integral component of Bethlehem’s culture.
Bethlehem’s Sculpture Garden, nestled in a shaded hollow on the east side of City Hall, is a favorite spot where residents stroll or linger to enjoy the art and the garden plots. All gardens are works in progress, so the Sculpture Garden needs upkeep. Please join us for an occasional, short work party whether or not you have a green thumb. It’s a rewarding project and a way to help this gem in our community stay lush. To explore volunteering, send us a message at Info@bfac-lv.org
Sculpture Garden Concert Series
On Friday evenings in June, the Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission (BFAC) hosts free concerts in the Sculpture Garden. Families can bring blankets, folding chairs, and enjoy a picnic in the garden. The events will feature a wide range of musical performances for all concertgoers to enjoy. Admission is free for all.
Downtown Fine Art and Crafts Show
Traditionally held on Saturday and Sunday of Mother’s Day weekend, the sidewalk art show along Main Street in Historic Bethlehem is a celebration of the finest local and regional artists. For 57 years, over 80 juried artists and crafts artisans have made this popular two-day outdoor show a favorite Bethlehem tradition.
The ‘Tribute to the Arts Award’ was instituted in 1991 to honor individuals, organizations, or businesses that are engaged in creating, supporting, or promoting the arts that enrich our community.